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2023-04-03 23:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Take demolition projects, for example, where large amounts of rubble and structural remains have to sorted and hauled offsite. They need the strength, durability, and space offered by roll-off trucks. Or cleaning up after a natural disaster, like a hurricane with fallen trees and other resulting debris, which requires fast and efficient removal. The list goes on. By being able to place multiple containers side by side, sorting and loading can occur continuous, without having to wait for a truck to arrive.

The concept of roll-off trucks was devised in the 1950s by an Oregonian trash mover named Harold Alexander. Frustrated by the limitations of the truck equipment he was using at the time, he created a blueprint for a roll-off prototype that would make his job easier by saving time, space, and labor. “Dad’s intention was to not market his roll-off, but rather to give himself a competitive edge against the other Portland haulers,” remembers Harold’s son Todd Alexander.

But the rest, as they say, is history. Roll-offs continue to evolve over the years, and current iterations have extended their applications with improved designs and state-of-the-art technology.






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